The perfect world.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

On a comeback

I started blogging couple of yrs back, and was regular at it.
Then I got a domain as per my name, and shifted to it. After some time, I became very irregular there and almost stopped writing for it. Till some times back, when I wished to restart it again, that I found that my new blog has been infected.So, thought of coming back to the old one and continue.So its been a see-sawing with blogs all this while.
Lets see if I can restart blogging and come back to those good ol days this time.

So, today when I tried to give life to this dormant blog, did I realize how much has changed in life for me. My marital status changed, my interests have changed, so does music, movies, or books for that matter.My reading habits has gone bad to worse.I loved TV earlier too, but now I can categorize myself as a 'couch potato', and that too sitting in US, i dont leave Indian telly (thanks to piracy).
Somewhere, my personal life has taken priority, and it should be so, I dont repent it. But I feel its high time to strike a balance and get going.
I have become swht too relaxed and easy going, wandering aimlessly, just flowing with the wind.
Its blissful no doubt, but some wake up call is necessary, and the best bet is if I turn the tables before the bell actually rings.
Coz life is like a sine wave.The journey to crest is always good, but one must be aware of the trough.The higher the crest, the lower the trough will be. But if one is prepared enof to handle it, the sine wave takes a detour to become erratic and loses its nature.Its all in our hands I feel.
But all this while I was away, I have grown as a person, met my responsibilities for the new stage in life, and have been happy to have done all this to my best.There have been real tough times, but am happy that I tided all of them along, not alone but now with a companion.

I wish to 'reclaim my life' and do much more.
Have started on this journey, lets c how much time I'll take, or how far I need to go.
