The perfect world.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Oscar Paheli

So, Paheli has been chosen to represent India at Oscars. Though I haven't seen the movie, but the storyline, star cast n reviews make me feel it must b a real good one.
Even then, I feel for 'Black', such a beautiful movie, with some spirited performances, would have done much better. Anyhow, I am not a film critic, so hope the people at the helm must be knowing better.
But I don't wish to discuss which of the above two movies is better.But that, why does an Indian film don't win an oscar. Is it some apartheid, some lobbying that keeps us away, or is it poor movies themselves.
Indian movie industry, or bollywood, is now a much mature industry, and is shelling out much better stuff than b4, though the viewers psyche has contributed to this change to a large extent.
People have started accepting a wide range of things ranging from gay-lesbian relationships to polygamy.So, why does we can't produce one movie in the whole year, or for that matter whole decade, that is simply outstanding by the Oscar standard, and has that unique storyline.
There are so many people involved in the industry, so many people who have worked on the bigger stage than bollywood, fine actors, directors etc etc. Along with that we have the previlige of shelling out regional movies, which simply widens our range.
There may be a lot of reasons to our failure.
But I feel we really need to take this issue seriously, get some foreign directors if required.
In a sense, try 2 find a formula which makes Hollywood the success it is.
The bar has to be raised, no doubt, but with that some active lobbying is also required.
We should try 2 put some efforts in this direction also, 'coz its said these awards are decided more under closed walls than under the influence of an open audience.
Oscar is one stage which gives credibility to the art, in a sense our industry will be recognized once it becomes a regular feature at these occassions.
Some start has to be made, and some movies made esp. to cater to such tastes.
Black was an effort in the same direction. Unluckily, it didn't get chosen in the end.
Let's hope Paheli does the trick for India.


Blogger Rishi said...

I have seen Paheli, it was a real paheli to me..storyline was pathetic and too slow.Always felt director was confused to showcase between right and wrong.Movie shows a woman has a choice to choose between a person who is present or the one who left her at her first night shattering all her dreams of first night.
So finally woman's lust wins and she decides to live in with the ghost who has taken the form of his husband who left her disatisfied on her first night.
I know storyline is not the only the criteria but will ANYONE tell me WHAT else was so special in the film? Sharukh charm or Rani's cleavage ?
another pity year for Indian cinema.

Mature Bollywood Mature.

5:32 PM  

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