The perfect world.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Wayanad Escapades

Me n some of my frenz hv been thinking abt how 2 spend the new year's eve. As it was after a long time tht v 3 (me, aps n pops) were together, n also tht pops was going 2 get married very soon.
December was an expensive month for me, n so i was even ready 2 spend the day on a beer watching Doordarshan (forget abt Sony, Star etc.).So, initially both Aps (Apurva) n Pops (Rishi) were damn excited abt the thing, n was even thinking of going 2 Goa. Tht idea was shelved coz of some inputs from others, who told tht Goa wud b very crowded at this time, n also to some extent by each of our financial situations. Then v were thinking of going 2 Ooty, but as Aps had been there, v again had 2 find a new place. Somehow, this place called Wayanad cropped up from nowhere, n v zeroed on it. One week b4 the new year was spent exploring the place on the net, making good use of our company's resources. But there was one problem, v cudnt book a hotel b4hand as evrythg was full. I was getting scared as i had faced some hotel blues at some other tourist place. But aps n pops were so enthusiastic tht i had to aquiesce.

Aps had already booked a taxi from Mysore, n me n pops had 2 join him from Bangalore. V reached on friday night, n called quits much earlier n much more moderately tht day than v normally do on fridays.
Next morning was quite early, with just 4 hrs of sleep. Aps had already bought all the eatables n drinks earlier, so v packed evrthg n went ahead. The first stop was for Sunrise, which was captured in my cell n pops new cam. V then stopped for a pretty costly breakfast joint, n had the usual Southie diet. Around 9, v reached the Muthunga WildLife Sanctuary. V were told tht it is the biggest wildlife sanctuary in Kerala, n a must for visitors. But our taxi cudnt go inside, n v hv to hire local Jeeps. After some deliberations, v agreed 2 it, though it was costly. There was some commotion at the ticket counter, as the person had a fee for sthg tht was not listed down on govt.'s rate chart. Neway, just not 2 spoil the mood, v started. For some time, v cudnt c a single animal or bird. V had a driver n his comical assistant accompanying us. The first thing they showed us was a wild cock. God knows wht they thot abt us. But after sometime, v saw some deers, n v promptly captured them in our cams. This was the first good group of animals v had seen. V did some photography there. But either luck eluded us or as it is there were no animals in the forest. On asking abt elephants, the helper always gave the answer tht he has just passed this place. It was like tht Champak joke of a drawing where the cow had just grazed. I was quite enthu, n decided 2 stand at the Jeep's side 2 get a better view, but tht resulted in me hvg a morning breakfast of min. 2 kgs. of mud. V almost turned brown after the end of the jungle. So, it was tough luck for us there. Ppl can visit this place but only when they hv plenty of time, n they r ready 2 not c many animals. Its ur call.

Neway, the next stop was Eddakal Caves, close to a place called Sultan Bathery. Our taxi had to stop at the base, n v needed 2 walk the stretch, not too much. Some jeeps also ferry ppl up n down, v decided 2 walk. In btw, v got 2 hv some pineapples soaked in chillies, new dish tht tasted 2 good. So, v reached the starting point, where carrying video cams inside was 2 costly, so v avoided tht. After our bad experience at sanctuary, v were scared of wasting money. There were many ppl there, one group of highly hap young college crowds, which were talking abt PS2 n Goblet of Fire. Aps tried 2 become friendly with some gals, n he was reprimanded badly. V ppl noted down the school's name, so tht v can use it for future use (u-no-wht-i-mean). The trekking of caves seemed swht difficult, n v finally reached the caves. One good part was tht there were volunteers all along who were helping ppl along. Eddakal means one rock, n perhaps got its name from the one rock hanging btw many. God knows wht will happen in a earthquake, but it seemed safe. There were volunteer guides also, who explained 2 us all the details of the cave, including the engravings done by some tribes. V really flummoxed the guide by putting up such questions that ended in "null pointer exception" from his side. Outside the caves was a scenic view, n v did a lot of photography. Pops had carried his cam without paying the fees (dirty tangent).There was a person showing diff. places from his telescope. V got 2 c an elephant rock, the phantom rock. The rock structure is really fantastic, n it looked like an elephant is sitting with knees bent. He also showed us a hut structure telling us tht some tribesmen lived in it, which sounded highly unlikely. Neway, v headed back, had some more pineapples, some soda water. Aps n pops were after me coz of some girl in whom aps seemed more interested than me. V headed back through the jeep, n then did some shopping of spices, tea etc.

V then headed towards the Banasura Dam, which is still under construction, or is perhaps kept under wraps. There was no connecting road leading 2 dam, n our driver refused 2 spoil the tyres of his new car. So, i went walking, took a pic n decided 2 head back. This place can b best avoided by ppl, nothing much of note.

Next v headed 2 the Menmutty Waterfalls. N believe me, this is one place which will change the way u approach life, at least i felt like tht. V reached the place in time, n was told like earlier, tht our car can't go up, so v have 2 walk. V took some clothes, towels n headed towards it. In btw, v met local ppl, some extremely talented kids, n a local chap who was the caretaker. He told us tht waterfall is really good, but the approach is 3 kms. into the mountains n is risky. As none of us understood wht RISKY meant, v went ahead, also there was a group of 6-7 guys ahead of us. V saw a family returning back, n asked them abt the waterfall, they had returned without visiting it.v had no idea of wht laid ahead. Sooner, the things started getting scary, the only earth v cud walk was a few inches wide, no footsteps 2 follow, one slip n u meet death thousands of feet down. Its like the Lakshya Movie types. V still went ahead as v were on an adventurous trip, n none of us have such an attitude of not finishing things off once v hv started. The group ahead of us started growing thinner with ppl giving up in btw. Things were getting scarier with each passing step. Once v had 2 cross only on a log of wood. Imagine, me standing thousands of feet up just on a log of wood, one slip n BYE BYE. Our energy levels were dropping n i was sweating profusely. After some toil we finally reached the waterfall, n believe me it was the best thing i had seen in my life, n in fact i had not toiled hard for nething tht much. So, the sense of accomplishment was adding to the feast. V quickly took off our clothes, n carefully went in. Pops avoided it due to some holy baba's saying. So, he was busy with pics. Aps n me really enjoyed in the falls, it was really difficult to gaze at it straightaway. After all this, I was so tired tht the very thot of going back was sickening. My legs were giving away. Slowly we started back with the other group, but now i was losing breath regularly. At one stage, i almost slipped but for aps who saved me. In btw, v had butter milk also. V reached the top finally n were totally drained 2 visit nething else.So, v started towards looking for a resort. But b4 i leave this place, i shud say this shud b a "must visit" place for ne1 who visits Wayanad, n also has the guts 2 make it. Girls can best avoid this(not sounding MC).We headed forward via the beautiful tea gardens, accompanied by the handycam recordings, touching personal lives.

We then headed to Vythiri to find a resort. We went toward Pooket Lake but it was closed, n so v had 2 go back 2 our resort. It was an expensive place, n looked deserted, with few families chipping in. Somehow v settled there, n were told tht v'll hv a buffet, a tribal dance n camp fire at night. I really made the life of the room-boy miserable by making him run for unending errands. So, v had a few shots in the night b4 v headed for the dinner, n the camp fire. Food was ok, but very spicy, but as v were damn hungry, it tasted real good. V went 2 hv a look at the tribal dance, n camp fire, but it turned out 2 b dud. Some local poor ppl were dancing in a trance on the terrace, round a fire. It did not interest us much. N v started waiting for the clock to strike 0000 hrs. We exchanged pleasantries at the midnight hr., n as we all were tired decided 2 call it a day. V slept after some pillow talk.

Our enthu pops did not sleep perhaps, busy with his wud-b on phone, n so had the privilege to c the sunrise, which was damn good(I made it out from pics).V started late n had a sumptuous brunch at the resort, n then headed for the lake. V took a row-boat for boating, though aps was more interested in kay-kaying. After a lot of photography skills, v decided 2 move, not b4 some shopping of local things like honey, spices, ayurvedic medicines. Pooket Lake has a shop for all these purposes.

V then headed to the Sunrise point named Lakkidi. It was good view from the top. V added a bit of ice-creams to enjoy the scenic beauty. V then headed to c the Chain Tree, where it is said at some point of time a spirit was hanged to death. The next stop was at a bamboo factory, as aps n pops were much interested in looking at showpieces for their home. I just went along. We reached the Oravu factory in Kalpetta, where we didn't find much stuff, as it was a training ground. They asked us to visit the showroom at Kalpetta. We went there but din find much stuff. So, we decided to cut short n head back, so tht v can start back to Bglr. in time. Coming back v talked abt the yrs. passed by, our latest crushes, affairs , all the senti stuff.

So, tht was our trip to Wayanad. I wud suggest ne adventurist to visit this place, esp. the waterfalls. It is also not expensive, n is much more worth than visiting a disc or a pub in city like Bglr.

All in all, it was wht Dil Chahta Hai.


Blogger Anu Sharma said...

facts about the indian s/w industry was a real eye opener..is it really true or u wrote all dat out of some frustraion ...i hav frnds in dis s/w indusrty n dey keep cribbing abt it...btw a gud one .

4:30 PM  
Blogger SwB said...

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10:05 AM  

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